DAXEDE.COM, the free social and web monitoring tool by EXTREME

Unlock the power of free social media monitoring tools to seamlessly convert real-time customer conversations into your next marketing campaign

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We may not have a secret recipe for exceptional marketing campaigns, but our complimentary social listening tool, also known as DAXEDE.COM, is designed to support you throughout the process, simplifying social media monitoring

Try now for free!

Effortlessly stay informed on every conversation related to your brand with a simple click

No more manual monitoring of social media platforms or tracking numerous hashtag discussions. Let us handle the tedious tasks by consolidating all your brand mentions, allowing you to focus on the enjoyable aspects. Utilize our free marketing toolkit to trace your online social footprint

Surpass the competition by closely monitoring them with DAXEDE.COM, our free complimentary social media tracker by EXTREME. Ever curious about what your competitors are up to? Simply track their social mentions.

Enhance your SEO strategy by staying informed about who is discussing your brand and the optimal times to engage with them. Identify rising influencers with a reliable social media tracker and leverage their expanding fan base.

Monitor social media activity for a comprehensive share of voice

Receive insights on posts generating the highest social engagement

Leverage our social monitoring tool for effective reputation management

Identify the most effective social channels through brand monitoring

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Gain comprehensive insights into your competition across the internet – from positive to negative sentiments. Effectively manage and monitor your brand reputation by taking timely actions, giving you the upper hand before your competition can react.

Start using DAXEDE.COM

Global monitoring of web and social data for immediate and decisive analysis

Real-Time Effective Responses: Discover How Data Become Decisions

For Digital Marketing Teams

Crafting content that deeply resonates with target audiences

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For Consumer Insight Teams

Discovering unmet needs to fuel product innovation

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For Agencies

Creating persuasive pitches to secure clients

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For PR and Communication Teams

Taking a proactive approach to brand reputation management

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Piazza Pietro Merolli 2b
00151 Roma, Italy

+39 06 452 145 28