Privacy Policy


Extreme srl based in Rome, Piazza Pietro Merolli 2b is the Data Controller of personal data collected on this site pursuant to and in accordance with the Privacy Code. In accordance with the commitment and care that Extreme srl devotes to the protection of personal data, we inform you of the methods, purposes and scope of communication and dissemination of your personal data and your rights, in accordance with art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003. In order to offer you the personalized services provided by its website Extreme srl., as the Data Controller, must process certain identifying data necessary for the provision of services.


The computer systems and technical and software procedures underlying the operation of this website acquire, in the course of their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the mechanisms of operation and protocols in use on the Internet. Each time the user accesses this site and each time he/she calls up or requests content, the access data is stored at our systems and potentially also by the data controller and data processors, in the form of tabular or linear data files (within special log files), structured and/or unstructured.

This data may be used by the Data Controller for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site in order to identify the pages preferred by users and thus provide content that is increasingly more adequate and to monitor its proper functioning. At the request of the Authority, the data could be used for the ascertainment of responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site or its users.

Data provided voluntarily by the user, at various points on this site and in our apps You have the opportunity to transmit personal data to us. Sending this data is done on an optional, explicit and voluntary basis, and involves the subsequent acquisition of any other personal data entered for the purposes of the service and those further granted by you.

The personal data that you provide will be recorded and stored on protected electronic media and processed with adequate security measures, including associating and integrating them with other DataBases. The data you provide will be processed by Extreme srl. exclusively with modalities and procedures necessary to provide you with the services you requested. The data will not be disclosed but may be communicated, where necessary for the provision of the service, to companies that carry out on behalf of Extreme srl tasks of a technical or organizational nature instrumental to the provision of services requested. Only with your express consent the data may be used to carry out statistical analysis, market surveys and sending commercial information on products and promotional initiatives of Extreme srl. and/or third party companies

Always with your consent data may be used for profiling purposes that may be carried out by a) cross-referencing of personal data collected in relation to the provision and relative use of several different functionalities among those made available by the user; b) use of other identifiers necessary to trace back to specific identified or identifiable subjects specific actions or behavioral patterns recurring in the use of the functionalities offered. Communications for market surveys or commercial information on products and promotional initiatives may be made by postal mailing, electronic mail, telemarketing, sms, mms. In accordance with current regulations, we will therefore ask you to express your consent for data processing by ticking the box accept in the appropriate registration form. It is understood that the consent refers to the processing of data except those strictly necessary for the operations and services you have requested, at the time of your registration as for these activities; your consent is not necessary. Subsequent to the registration necessary for the requested Service, if you intend to request/use other.

Services provided by the same company or by companies different as indicated above (Extreme srl or companies controlled or affiliated by them) You will be able to use the credentials (username/ mail/ password) already used for the first registration.

Where necessary you may be asked for additional data, necessary for the delivery of additional services requested. At any time you will be able to reread the information and possibly change the consents previously provided, check and/or change the status of active services and possibly request additional services. The provision of data is optional, except for those indicated as mandatory in order to allow you to access the services offered. You have the right to know, at any time, what your data are and how they are used. You also have the right to have them updated, supplemented, corrected or deleted, to request their blocking and to object to their processing. We remind you that these rights are provided for in Art.7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003. The updated list of Data Processors referred to in this statement can be consulted at the Registered Office of Extreme srl. in Piazza Pietro Merolli 2b – 00151 Rome; the exercise of the rights referred to in Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 may be carried out through specific communication by mail addressed to the same Company, or through the

Cookie Policy

In order to make your visit to our website effective, for the presentation of our assortment of products and services we use cookies and, occasionally, some tools for analyzing the use of our web pages. Cookies are small aggregates of text recorded locally in the temporary memory of your browser, and thus in your computer, for varying periods of time depending on the need and generally ranging from a few hours to a few years, with the exception of profiling cookies whose maximum duration is of 365 calendar days. The Tools consist of small software programs (scripts) temporarily activated on some of the pages of our sites, which intercept in a completely anonymous way a set of events of interaction with the content (e.g. click, mouse path, time spent by the mouse in a certain position). At the end of the collection activities, this information is aggregated and analyzed to understand how to improve the structure of the page or service. Extreme srl does not collect the content of the fields that you may have filled in during one of these sessions nor; any other information of a personal nature only information of a technical and operational nature.

The activation of these scripts is subject to the acceptance of the cookie policy, being by type of data collected and mode of exercise assimilated to them. By means of cookies is it is possible to semi-permanently record information related to your preferences and other technical data that allow a smoother navigation and greater use and effectiveness of the site itself. For example, cookies may be used to determine if a connection has already been made between your computer and our sites to highlight new features or maintain login information. For your assurance, only the cookie stored on your computer is identified.

Types of Cookies

This site makes use of 2 different types of cookies:

1. Essential technical cookies. These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the site. They allow you to navigate pages, share our content, store your login credentials to make it faster for you to enter the site and to keep your preferences and credentials active as you browse. Without these cookies, we could not provide the services for which users access the site.

2. Statistical and performance cookies. These cookies allow us to know how visitors use the site, so that we can thus assess and improve its operation and prioritize the production of content that best meets the information needs of our users. For example, they allow us to know which pages are the most and least frequented. They take into account, among other things, the number of visitors, the time spent on the site by the average user, and the ways in which users arrive. This way, we can know what works well and what to improve, as well as make sure that pages load quickly and are displayed correctly. All information collected by these cookies is anonymous and not linked to the user personal information. To perform these functions on our sites we use third-party services that anonymize the data making it untraceable to individuals (so-called single-in ). Where there are services that are not fully anonymized, you will find them listed among the third-party cookies for which you can deny consent, to ensure your privacy.

Cookie Management

Should you have any doubts or concerns about the use of cookies you can always take action to prevent them from being set and read, for example by changing the privacy settings within your browser to block certain types or by using the tool we provide in this Policy. Since each browser – and often different versions of the same browser – also differ significantly from each other if you prefer to act on your own via your browser preferences you can find detailed information on the necessary procedure in the help of your browser. For more info, Visit

Acceptance and opt-out of cookies

By continuing to browse this site by closing the information wrapper or clicking anywhere on the page or scrolling down to highlight further content, you agree to Extreme srl.'s Cookie Policy and cookies will be set and collected. In case of non-acceptance of cookies by abandoning navigation, any cookies already locally registered in your browser will remain registered there but will no longer be read nor used by Extreme srl  until a subsequent and possible acceptance of the Policy. You will always have the possibility to remove such cookies at any time through the modalities referred to in the sites mentioned in the paragraph Management of cookies .

Acceptance and waiver of consent for data processing

The liist of Data Processors referred to in this statement can be consulted at the Registered Office of Extreme srl, Piazza Pietro Merolli 2b – 00151 ROMA, the exercise of the rights referred to in art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 may be carried out through specific communication by mail addressed to the same Companies, or through the mailbox:


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* this information is required

Piazza Pietro Merolli 2b
00151 Roma, Italy

+39 06 452 145 28